I’m Jakob Vase. I’m from 1987. I’m a developer, musician, husband, and father of 3. I’m based in Denmark.
To see what I’m doing now, see my now page.
Stuff to read
- I take it very seriously when I need to make a decision about something, and I write down the investigations I’ve done. If you need to make a similar decision, these might be useful. Link.
- I’m a developer, so I write about software development. Link.
- I’ve written a lot of thoughts about life and society over the years. Some of them I don’t agree with anymore, but they might mean something to someone, so they are still there. Link.
- A few random things I learned, mostly for myself. Link.
Things I’ve done
- My band, Songs for Iris.
- A score tracker for board games, currently private.
- My wife’s website and her app.
How to contact me
Coming soon.