Jakob Vase


2024-05-26 Setting up this website

I had some ideas for how I wanted to set up this website. This is my journal documenting what I did, what worked, what didn’t, what I learned, and how my vision changed to reflect that learning. I want: A blog, where I can write whatever I want. A journal of the current thing I’m working on - you’re reading it! Books I’ve read, and my thoughts on them. Music I’ve heard, and my thoughts on it.

2024-01-05 Search engines

Elastic Search / Open Search - uses something called Lucene under the hood. Powerful but hard. Free and open source. Can run in docker. Much Setup required. Algolia - search as a service. Expensive and seems less suited for filtering. Powerful. Faster than elastic. Cannot run in docker. Little setup required. Meilisearch - simpler? SOLR - Also uses Lucene. Typesense - simpler? lnx - small Rust thing. Fast? Not recommended

2024-01-05 What composes a Rust graphql server

For a rust graphql server, I need to understand what is required to have it. I’ve read about the following: https://graphql-rust.github.io/ juniper. Seems to be the go-to graphql server in rust. They link to several web server libraries. https://async-graphql.github.io/async-graphql/en/introduction.html async-graphql. Some use it over juniper. Can merge objects etc. https://tokio.rs/ tokio. An underlying library that powers much of the rust ecosystem. Allows for easier asynchronous operations and thread management (I think?

2023-03-01 Storage

tl;dr I chose MEGA for my current storage needs, but I’m not completely happy with it. Ente is really strong too. Requirements I’ve looked into storage solutions. I want our family photos and videos to be available to us as long as anyone wants them to be there. I want my wife’s photos and texts to be stored somewhere quite safe. I want it to be easy to share our favourite photos and videos, when we need to, and I want it to be easy for others to upload photos and videos of us to us.