DRAFT: What about a relational database for research papers?
Research papers contain references to data and/or other research papers. I’d love a website linking all the research papers to each other in some graphically beautiful way. Google Scholar probably already does this, but it’s so ugly…
So imagine if I search for ‘epistemology’. The search results could be in chronological order (the first research paper mentioning epistemology followed by all the others, the origin), rated order (maybe by most referenced, by expert validations, by popular choice), some combination of the two (highest rated by experts in the last 10 years).
And imagine if I check the paper with the first mention of epistemology. That paper could then produce a tree showing all the papers referencing it and their references (of course graphically beautiful) and all references the paper makes and their references (chronological in both directions. The paper’s place in the research tree.)
Does this already exist somewhere?