Jakob Vase

Notes on society

To keep up with change, so it does not become obsolete. I think what I’m doing is to search for a path from our society to a better one. Or I’m looking for reasons for things, and why some things don’t make sense. The society should win at survival in a host of different situations. Or maybe just in the current situation. The needs here are much the same as that of species. With one notable exception: society is able to change the world around it. So what the society actually needs to do is: Be the best at survival in this situation, change the world around you, so you are continuously the best. Change to meet the demands of the world around you, so you are continuously the best. Create the best offset for your society, so you can continue being the best.

To make sure that for each person doing the right thing is the easiest thing.

I assume that every person has it as a goal to be happy, that’s why I’m writing so much about happiness. If every person has it as a personal goal to be happy, increasing happiness must be one of the key goals of society. Or at least enabling people to be happy - which might amount to the same thing… Increasing happiness also means reducing fear. There is a contradiction between increasing happiness and increasing effectiveness, because too much focus on increasing effectiveness will make people stressed which will reduce happiness. I believe increasing happiness also means allowing people to express their creativity different ways. Increasing happiness also means teaching people how to be happy. On happiness: http://www.teenink.com/nonfiction/academic/article/825723/Is-Happiness-A-Worthwhile-Goal-For-Society Very subjective article, but has some worthwhile thoughts and some interesting article references. Tries to create a basis for what happiness is, and what its effects are. Asks the question “is happiness a worthwhile goal for society?” but doesn’t really consider it not to be. I don’t know what I think yet…

To make it easier for each person in the society to accomplish their individual goals. - I think this is the most precise, I’ve been able to define it. To help each person help other people to accomplish their goals.

What is a society? A collection of people, who have decided to help each other achieve goals not possible to achieve singlehandedly. A collection of people who help each other to their mutual benefit.

Key things: Help citizens reach their goals. Ensure the continuation of the society. Focus on being effective, and improving the society.

My problem with Bitcoin is, that it functions without a state. I don’t believe that liberalistic economics create growth. A free market is only a good thing, if it is regulated.