Jakob Vase

DNS providers

A week of work. Now back to the task at hand. I really like protonmail, because they are EU based (and they’re not lying), they really focus on privacy, and they have the option to use my own domain.

As for my website, I have decided to go with a simple docker setup for now. I want to compile these markdown files to html and serve them statically. I need to figure out how to add a header and a footer as webcomponents, as that would make it a lot easier to reuse, but I’ll get there.

First though, the mail.

I think I have to find a DNS provider that will let me point my mail names to protonmail, and my website to whatever provider I end up using. Currently, I’m on simply.com, but I’m not satisfied, since I have to write php, and I don’t like their mail client.

Now to hunt some dns!

Oh no. Several things. Simply.com is apparently the highest rated dns provider on trustpilot. Annoying. I wanted to use a company that only provides dns. Well. And then I realized that my website name is boring. There are almost 500 domain endings to choose from. I want another name for my website! There’s always some new thing in the way.

So for now I’ll sleep on it. Maybe in the morning I will know what to call my website. Maybe it doesn’t matter so much. I just really want to get it up and running. Because once again it is only a means to an end. I think I shall keep [jakobvase.dk] for now. And keep simply.com as provider. For simplicity. But we’ll see tomorrow.